Friday, April 27, 2012

Appreciate the one who is always there when you need Him most

God is my deliverer.  He is everything I need.  He never leaves my side.  I am always conscious of His presence in my life.  He blesses me with good things.  I am eternally grateful for all that he has done for me.  My purpose on earth is to worship Him in all that I do.  Lord, I love you and I pledge my life to you forever.  Thank you for making me special...... Amen

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Lord directs the steps of the righteous...

Word of the day.... Proverbs 16..9
A man's heart devise his plans but God directs his steps. As children of God we have to keep a clean heart.  Think Godly thoughts, make Godly plans, so that the Lord can direct our steps...

He won't direct the steps of the wicked....  If someone is giving you a hard time, don't worry, don't retaliate.  Love that person with the love of God, forgive and forget. 
... Eventually God will reward you because of your decision to do the right thing.

Thoughts affect words which determines actions

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life. --(Joel Osteen)

Choose to think positive, be happy, have a great attitude and make positive goals for the future. Remember to think it first, then speak it, then you will believe you can do it.  If you believe you can then you will work towards it and it will become a reality.  If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.