Monday, December 19, 2011

Dealing with change

Lord, I know I am certainly not perfect, but help me  to think positively about the changes in my life.  Erase guilt from me and help me to live a life of freedom,  I really wanted to get out of this ( troubled relationship, job, business, bad neighborhood etc.) a long time ago but I stayed, knowing that one day my change would come.

I know that I did my best to make it work.  Everything I did was in the best interest of everyone involved.  Lord I by no means wanted to leave this way,  but I have no choice but to say goodbye.  Lord you know the purpose for all this and I really want to develop my faith in you.  I want to believe that I can begin again. Lord I depend on you to take me to a higher level and to help me to believe that everything will work together for my good.

Lord, my hopes and dreams are in you.  I need you so much Lord, I love you Lord and I know without a doubt that you love me too.
Lord as I take the next steps in my life,  I know you will be with me and will help me to go in the right direction. Help me to learn valuable lessons from this experience and to proceed with confidence into my new beginning.

I know that you have great things in store for my future.  I will prosper in all things.  Whatever I do will be blessed.  When one door closes another will be opened by you.  Lord help me to be more confident in my next (job, venture, relationship, business etc.).  Help me to do better than I have ever done before.  To be ( wiser, more professional,  more loving, more hard working, smarter etc.).

 Lord help me above all things to be the best that I can be and to feel comfortable being me.   Lord as I ponder my next move help me to make wise choices and decisions,  I need you now more than ever.  I trust you for healing of my body mind and spirit.  Amen.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Direct Access

Jesus has given us direct access to the throne room of grace.

When Jesus was crucified the veil of the temple was ripped in two, signifying an end to the ancient custom where only the priest was allowed to enter the most holy place to offer sacrifices and to ask for forgiveness of sins.

Thanks be to God for abolishing that old law and for giving us direct access. We can now stand before his throne and make our requests known unto Him. He is such a loving, wonderful God that He stands ready and waiting to hear our call.

Thank you Jesus that we do not need to wait for anyone else to pray for us or to approach God on our behalf. We don't have to wait for someone to lay hands on us. We have direct access to the most high God.
We can pray by ourselves and for ourselves, we can lay hands on our children, we can present our plans to him, we can confess our sins directly to Him, ask for forgiveness, pray the sinner's prayer and accept His sweet salvation.

We have direct access. With the word of God as our manual, the spirit of God as our guide and a willing and humble heart we can make it. We are His people. He is our Shepherd. The Shepherd is always in the presence of the sheep. He keeps us from danger and all who belong to Him He will keep until that great day when the son of God shall return to earth to take his bride away.

In the meantime we have to ask, seek, knock and constantly bombard heaven with our prayers, supplication and praise.

We are precious in the sight of God!